
87 lines
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// Code generated by protoc-gen-connect-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// Source: api/v2/release_runner.proto
package apiv2connect
import (
context "context"
errors "errors"
v2 "git.ohea.xyz/cursorius/pipeline-api/go/api/v2"
connect_go "github.com/bufbuild/connect-go"
http "net/http"
strings "strings"
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file and the connect package are
// compatible. If you get a compiler error that this constant is not defined, this code was
// generated with a version of connect newer than the one compiled into your binary. You can fix the
// problem by either regenerating this code with an older version of connect or updating the connect
// version compiled into your binary.
const _ = connect_go.IsAtLeastVersion0_1_0
const (
// ReleaseRunnerServiceName is the fully-qualified name of the ReleaseRunnerService service.
ReleaseRunnerServiceName = "api.v2.ReleaseRunnerService"
// ReleaseRunnerServiceClient is a client for the api.v2.ReleaseRunnerService service.
type ReleaseRunnerServiceClient interface {
ReleaseRunner(context.Context, *connect_go.Request[v2.ReleaseRunnerRequest]) (*connect_go.Response[v2.ReleaseRunnerResponse], error)
// NewReleaseRunnerServiceClient constructs a client for the api.v2.ReleaseRunnerService service. By
// default, it uses the Connect protocol with the binary Protobuf Codec, asks for gzipped responses,
// and sends uncompressed requests. To use the gRPC or gRPC-Web protocols, supply the
// connect.WithGRPC() or connect.WithGRPCWeb() options.
// The URL supplied here should be the base URL for the Connect or gRPC server (for example,
// http://api.acme.com or https://acme.com/grpc).
func NewReleaseRunnerServiceClient(httpClient connect_go.HTTPClient, baseURL string, opts ...connect_go.ClientOption) ReleaseRunnerServiceClient {
baseURL = strings.TrimRight(baseURL, "/")
return &releaseRunnerServiceClient{
releaseRunner: connect_go.NewClient[v2.ReleaseRunnerRequest, v2.ReleaseRunnerResponse](
// releaseRunnerServiceClient implements ReleaseRunnerServiceClient.
type releaseRunnerServiceClient struct {
releaseRunner *connect_go.Client[v2.ReleaseRunnerRequest, v2.ReleaseRunnerResponse]
// ReleaseRunner calls api.v2.ReleaseRunnerService.ReleaseRunner.
func (c *releaseRunnerServiceClient) ReleaseRunner(ctx context.Context, req *connect_go.Request[v2.ReleaseRunnerRequest]) (*connect_go.Response[v2.ReleaseRunnerResponse], error) {
return c.releaseRunner.CallUnary(ctx, req)
// ReleaseRunnerServiceHandler is an implementation of the api.v2.ReleaseRunnerService service.
type ReleaseRunnerServiceHandler interface {
ReleaseRunner(context.Context, *connect_go.Request[v2.ReleaseRunnerRequest]) (*connect_go.Response[v2.ReleaseRunnerResponse], error)
// NewReleaseRunnerServiceHandler builds an HTTP handler from the service implementation. It returns
// the path on which to mount the handler and the handler itself.
// By default, handlers support the Connect, gRPC, and gRPC-Web protocols with the binary Protobuf
// and JSON codecs. They also support gzip compression.
func NewReleaseRunnerServiceHandler(svc ReleaseRunnerServiceHandler, opts ...connect_go.HandlerOption) (string, http.Handler) {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.Handle("/api.v2.ReleaseRunnerService/ReleaseRunner", connect_go.NewUnaryHandler(
return "/api.v2.ReleaseRunnerService/", mux
// UnimplementedReleaseRunnerServiceHandler returns CodeUnimplemented from all methods.
type UnimplementedReleaseRunnerServiceHandler struct{}
func (UnimplementedReleaseRunnerServiceHandler) ReleaseRunner(context.Context, *connect_go.Request[v2.ReleaseRunnerRequest]) (*connect_go.Response[v2.ReleaseRunnerResponse], error) {
return nil, connect_go.NewError(connect_go.CodeUnimplemented, errors.New("api.v2.ReleaseRunnerService.ReleaseRunner is not implemented"))